Showing posts with label Katie Manershaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katie Manershaw. Show all posts

Chakra Love Deck by Katie Manershaw

, 26 Feb 2021

This tiny winy deck conquered my heart on the spot, from the first use, as I had an instant visual, tactile and energetic connection with it. The deck is structured in 8 suits, seven devoted to each chakra plus a chakra-balance with healing crystals.   

The cards quality is terrific: Glossy flexible but sturdy cardboard, clean design on the front, and very modern colourful abstract back imagery. The deck comes in a good quality cardboard box, with upper non-detachable lid. The front has the symbol and colour of the chakra (1-Crown chakra, purple. 2- Third eye chakra, dark blue. 3-Throat chakra, light blue. 4- Heart chakra, green. 5-Solar plexus chakra, yellow. 6- Sacral chakra, orange. 7-Root chakra, red) and the extra suit with a flower in fucsia. There is not artist associated with the artwork in this deck. It was designed by using stock images from Adobe Stock and Creative Market. It shows that you can create a deck that ticks all the boxes without having to hire a super-duper digital artist.

There is no guidebook or booklet. The instructions are provided on the inner lid and on the cards themselves. This might not be your deck if you have no knowledge of what chakras are, but even if you have a general knowledge of it, this deck will work for you. If you aren't into crystals, no worries, the advice on each card is still wise and valid on its own.

The deck is tiny, even for a person with small hands like me. You can see one of my photos with the deck by my keys. The good thing is that you can carry this in your pocket or in a small purse. The bad thing is that it, if  you have big hands, it might be difficult to handle or shuffle for you.

I find this deck perfect to use for self healing and self-improvement, together with the Mystical Healing Reading Cards and the Four Agreements Deck and the Yunoun Chakra stones. However, I find it useful to carry around to get advice during day, when feeling stressed, provoked or unbalanced because of our daily worries and  struggles. 

Good value for money.