This is my least favorite mini deck by Rockpool Publishing. Although the quality of the product regarding quality of the packaging and cards is undeniable, the rest is a bit disappointing. Perhaps because the other Rockpool mini-decks I have are just really motivational, inspirational and intuitive, the messages in these cards feel artificial and too vague to be of any use.Perhaps fun to use at a party, not for divination readings.
> Beautiful colorful deck.
> Perfect deck for people with small hands.
> Good quality glossy flexible cards that shuffle beautifully.
> Very good quality keepsake box with upper non-detachable magnetic clasp.
> Instructions of how to use the cards are written on the inner lid.
> Great portability.
> The keepsake box is just gorgeous and eye catching.
> Beautiful printing overall.
> Tiny deck, so if you have big hands, it might not be for you.
> Deficient contrast between lettering and background.
> The upper side of the cards has one standard image, so it is not very artistic or as artistic as other decks in this Rockpool deck series. I get that the main focus is the affirmations not the artwork, but I would loved having more varied Chinese imagery on each card.
> For example, one of the cards has the following message, "Opportunities, a stranger is about to change your life. Exciting times and plenty of action, plus a special family reunion looks likely". Pardon me, my family is overseas, so it is unlikely. Exciting times and plenty of action means nothing, it is too generic, so unless you mention an area of life, work, family, friends, sports etc. it means nothing.. The first item it is a proper fortune divinatory message. Other cards are equally vague and nonsensical.
> I expected the messages in the cards be really as short as the ones in fortune cookies.
> "You will be amazed by their accuracy" is just nonsense, sorry.
I have the audible version of the book narrated by Chopra himself. It is over 1 hour and really easy to listen anywhere any time, while commuting, doing house chores or just lying on the park. So you will be listening to it quite often, and the "laws" eventually sink in
The book is simply organized and well narrated, right pace, and details these spiritual laws (more principles than anything else):
1/ Law of pure potentiality. 2/ Law of giving and receiving. 3/ Law of Karma 4/ Law of least effort. 5/ Law of intention and desire 6/ Law of Detachment. 7/ Law of Dharma or Life Purpose
I especially liked his definition of the Law of Detachment, which I have found explained too confusedly elsewhere, while Chopra goes right to the point and does so effortlessly. I also loved his definition of Success, and, especially, the conclusion of the book, which is really inspiring and the more spiritual part of it.
I agree with other reviewers on the fact that some of the talking is a bit flashy but too vague, as if Chopra intended this book just for lazy new-agers. Still, the book has many pearls of wisdom and items of advice that are easy to implement in your daily life and to infuse your mind with.
This review is about the audio-book version of First Things First, which is a little over 1 hour long, narrated by the author himself. This is a perfect book to listen while commuting, travelling or just doing your daily chores. Covey's reading is energetic, engaging, well paced and really clear to understand and absorb. This is a perfect companion to the book, but it is an abridged version, so be aware of that.
Despite its age, First Things First Book reminds the reader of important things that will make your work and personal life better and more successful. This success is not based on flashy things but on getting balance in your life. The pillars of Covey's philosophy are the 4 Ls: Living (taking care of your basic needs), Loving (taking care of your human relationships), learning (learning and improving yourself) and legacy (your contribution to Society and our fellow humans). Other Covey's nuggets of wisdom to improve your productivity and performance are:
= Leadership over management
= compass over timing
= Importancy over urgency
= Weekly tasking and planning over daily
= Goal Setting
Virtues that are embedded in this system are:
+ Flexibility
+ Discipline
+ Integrity
+ Meaning seeking
+ Synergy
+ Having a Vision of Future
+ Constant learning, evaluation and readjustments if necessary
What I love about the book is that this is a system to improve your life as a whole, not just your business or work performance. The audio-book goes right to the point. There are some examples taken from real life used to illustrate Covey's points, but these are relevant and not too many or bulky in any way.
Your life is a result of what you focus on and pay attention to. Your
energy goes where your attention is. That is it! That is what this
non-fiction book says. If you focus on love you get love, if you focus
on work you get your work done and succeed at what you do at work, if
you focus on a new project, invention, research or artistic project you
will get there. And on and on and on, chapter after chapter saying the
same, giving plenty of examples and blah blah blah just in case your
brain is so small and damaged that you are not able to understand such a
simple concept.
you really need to be reminded that your life is a result of what you
focus on and that you need to focus on what you want to achieve to
achieve it? Yes? Then, run and grab this book. No? Save your monies and
purchase another one.
Can anybody explain to me
why the book has got so many good reviews? Who on earth decided that what could have been
an interesting article needed to become a wordy book?
A book full of hyper-focused platitude. Focus on another one!