Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

5 Steps to Decode Your Dreams: A Fast, Effective Way to Discover the Meaning of Your Dreams by Gillian Holloway (2011)

, 5 Oct 2014

If you are into dream interpretation and want to start with simple steps to decode your dreams, this is your book. It offers sound advice on who to interpret your dreams, which elements you should pay attention to, how to pose questions to your dreams, techniques to remember your dreams or make questions to your unconscious, and even advice on how to organize a dream workshop group.

The book is written in a very simple language, very entertaining, easy to read and understand, and truly helpful to explain your dreams to yourself or to your friends and family. It contains many examples of dreams and how to apply the techniques the author explains.

Some of the advice and steps give for dream interpretation are:
1/ Record your dreams using the present tense and simple language, mentioning your feelings in the dream.
2/ Underline or note action metaphors, exaggerated feelings and symbols.
3/ Generate a description asking what does this remind you in your waking life.

The five step method consists of:
1/ Check your first impression of the dream
2/ Note the action metaphors the dream has.
3/ Notice your feelings during the dream
4/ Notice the symbols, including characters and setting
5/ Look for the gift within the dream

The major flaws of the book are the chapter on symbols, which is quite simple and schematic, and leaves the reader wanting for more in a subject that needs of more depth and length, and the chapter on how to make a dream journal, which contains very obvious information.

Great for beginners.